Note: This was my very first blog post titled Who am I. You’ll also see that I don’t mention my name because I was anonymous! 🙂
Hello, friend. Welcome to Classy Career Girl’s first post! So, who am I?
I have so many ideas running through my head and I am so excited to share them with you. But first, let me introduce myself. I grew up in Orono, Minnesota and escaped to the warm California sunshine to go to college at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, CA. Many people ask me how I ended up at PLNU but I can only tell the truth, the ocean view dorm room and the weather. Some of my previous, less exciting jobs over high school and college include being a server at a drive-through coffee shop, a tennis instructor, a figure skating coach, a wedding and banquet server, a camp counselor and a summer school teacher.