3 Fundamental Myths About Balancing Work and Life
If you are an ambitious professional woman and are looking for a better way to balance the most important aspects of your life without having to sacrifice yourself, you’ll love today’s podcast.
How do YOU balance it all? Let’s share our secrets. Today you’ll meet Sarah Argenal, a Lifestyle Strategist at Working Parent Resource. Sarah helps working moms find a more meaningful balance between their career, a loving marriage, quality time with their kids, and their own health and well-being.

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Today’s podcast is a recording of the presentation we did at Classy Career Girls Night Out in San Diego a few weeks ago so if you couldn’t join us live, here is the next best thing right! So let’s get started!
To get started, Sarah’s going to talk a little bit about the 3 Fundamental Myths About Balance.   In case you aren’t familiar with her already, Sarah Argenal is the Founder of the Working Parent Resource, which is a hub of reliable information, practical training, and a supportive community of judgment-free working moms and dads.  Sarah has over 15 years of experience as a therapist, a certified coach, a college-level instructor, and a course developer.  She’s worked with individuals, couples, and teens to help them regain balance in their lives, build thriving relationships, and manage major life transitions.   Today Sarah helps busy professionals who are raising a young family cut through all of the noise and focus on what’s truly important to them.

3 Fundamental Myths About Balancing Work and Life

1.  Balance is a myth.

MYTH:  There’s a pretty big message circulating out there these days that “Balance is a Myth.”
REALITY:  Balance isn’t about spending equal amounts of time on the various areas of your life.  Instead, try to think of balance as prioritizing what’s most important to you so your actions reflect your values.  When you think of balance this way, balance is entirely possible.

2.  Balance is about time management.

MYTH:  A lot of people believe they can achieve the key to balancing work and life by becoming more productive, or more efficient or saving time.
REALITY:  The truth is that balance isn’t about TIME management at all.  It’s about managing your ENERGY and your ATTENTION.  When you are managing your energy and your attention, you’ll feel calmer, more relaxed, more organized, and more in control of your time, no matter what you have going on.
[RELATED: Old Photos, Messy Houses, and Juggling Three Jobs]

3. Balance is achievable.

MYTH:  I think one of the reasons people think balance is a myth is because they know, deep down, that it’s not something that can be ACHIEVED.  It’s not a result to accomplish.  It’s not about hitting some utopia in our lives.
REALITY:  Instead, balancing work and life is a life-long practice of staying centered among an overwhelming number of external demands.  It’s about making choices from moment to moment that either get you CLOSER to that feeling of well-being and wholeheartedness.  It’s about doing constant course corrections to make sure you’re staying aligned with your priorities and your values.

What do you think? Do you think balancing work and life is a myth?

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