How to Create an Irresistible Offer That Motivates Buyers

I made so many mistakes in creating my offer.

I created a product for me. Failed to offer a reason for them to buy. And I failed to focus on what they wanted.

Overall, I failed to focus on solving their problems and making sure that it was something that they would want before I sold it. So it really didn’t do very well at all.

Don’t make the same mistakes!

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5 Things To Keep In Mind When Creating Your Offer

Today I’m going to show you some of the things I’ve learned working on creating an irresistible offer that will motivate your buyers.

5 Things To Keep In Mind When Creating Your Offer


You need a reason for people to buy now such as a deadline or a bonus. It could also be that doors are closing or a discount or a fast action bonus. It could be that you’re no longer going to be selling the product after a certain date. I can’t tell you how many times I have almost bought something, but there wasn’t a reason to buy. There wasn’t a reason to buy at that very second, so I ended up not buying.

So when you’re planning out your calendar and your promotions, think about what you’re going to sell, what can be a reason for them to buy now? Why would they need to buy now?


What is the problem you are solving? Your customers aren’t buying for all the things you are including and the bonuses. They are buying to solve a problem.

They are struggling over something and you’ve identified what this struggle is through your surveys and through your market research. So now when it comes to creating your offer, you have to touch on that. It is not about what is included in your product and all the fancy features. That’s not what it’s all about. We’re here to solve a problem and we’re here to communicate that to the client as well because you want them to have this huge sigh of relief when they actually make that leap and that step forward and commit to solving their problem.


You want to give them hope that they can reach their goals. You want them to have hope that this will solve their problem. And like I just said, you want them to breathe that sigh of relief that they have put their trust in you and that you are going to help them move forward and solve their problem. So you want to give them hope in your offer as well. There is opportunity. You can help them reach their goals and their dreams. And this is when your passion can shine through.

Because if you’re really excited about this and you get to a point where you know that your system and formula and product or service works, then this is the exciting part. Giving them this hope and inspiring them to make that leap to the next level.


Have you gotten results for other people?  Other people need to see that you know what you’re talking about and you have gotten results for other people as well.

Now if you don’t have testimonials, it’s okay.

Start helping and solving problems. People love stories and these will inspire others.

You can always start by volunteering your time working free for a client or discounted so that you can do that in exchange for testimonials.


Your clients need to trust that you will solve their problem. By the time you provide your offer, they should know, like and trust you.

And this does not come overnight. I don’t know how many blog articles my members read and videos they’ve watched about me before they actually joined CLASS.  But I can pretty much guarantee they knew who I was before they bought. They had developed trust with me before you actually joined the membership. And that’s what we want in your irresistible offer as well.

We want there to be some trust there. So by the time that they get on that conversation with you, by the time that you provide them with this offer, they know, like, and trust you. And then they know that you can help them solve their problem. And ideally that trust has already been there before they even see your offer.

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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