In honor of my dad’s birthday today (Happy birthday dad!), I wanted to share on of the best personal marketing tips I have learned – and I learned it from my father. My dad is quiet and introverted (just like me) so people who know this about him would never think that he would want to be on television someday.
Well, this is my dad on television. Louis Rukeyser’s Wall Street Week show in September 1979.
How did he get himself on television? He called up the show’s producers, told him how much he rocked and why Louis Rukeyser should interview him on his show. They said ‘OK’ and he was on his way to be interviewed.
My dad is really smart and he has this amazing stock trading system that you can learn more about on his blog. If you use his system and improve your rate of return, he suggests you donate 25% of your improved profits to the charity of your choice.
I tried to give my dad some tips about growing a blog and how it takes time and you have to do a lot of commenting and interacting with other bloggers, etc. I asked him how he was going to grow his blog. Â He said that he is just going to call up NBC or CNN and get interviewed and that is what I should be doing with my blog, too. My dad has already envisioned himself and me being interviewed on a national television show. My dad has taught me to think bigger. Although I am comfortable where I am at, there is no stopping what I can do in the future and if I can envision myself being interviewed on the Today Show, it is a lot more likely to happen someday! Being willing to dream bigger is one of the most important personal branding tips I have ever learned.
As you probably already know, this is Warren Buffett. My dad has sent him letters and called to speak with him personally about his stock system. At this point, he has a great relationship with Warren’s receptionist, but I am confident that someday he will be talking directly to the man himself.
My dad has taught me to start at the top. Think of your biggest goal or dream, work your butt off and go for it. Thanks, dad for teaching me to dream big!