In my research with talking to thousands of women stuck in their careers, there are three most common career obstacles that hold women back from launching their dream careers. I find it best that we just get all this in the open, so you become aware of your roadblocks.
Once you know what is holding you back, then you can tackle it and move forward.
Which of these career obstacles is standing between you and your dream career?
How to Get Past Your Biggest Career Obstacles
1. Time
How to find the time to launch your dream career? This is one of the most common questions and issues I receive. Here are some things that I hear over and over again that you’re dealing with procrastination, there’s more to do than time allows and you’re missing out on your family.
You’re really having a hard time finding balance, and you’re really not sure how to carve out “me” time. You really don’t want to waste your time either and you really want to get this dream career launched fast.
[RELATED: 7 Essential Steps To Your Dream Career]
2. Fear
A lot of you are backing off from what you truly want to do because you’re hesitant to be who you really are. You have a fear of being yourself. You’re also losing confidence in yourself. You have a lot of self-doubts and are really scared or feeling guilty to launch your dreams. You are thinking, “Am I good enough to make my dreams to a reality? Am I ever going to get hired? I’m never going to get hired. I’m never going to be able to launch my dream business.”
You are afraid to dream too BIG. These are the things I hear from you over and over again. Some of this might ring true for you.
Then there’s also a fear of living up to other people’s expectations and having lots of constant negative thoughts. What if it doesn’t work?
This is your mindset. The good news is, you can move past fear.
3. Direction
You have so many ideas, but you have no solid plan of action, and you are not sure where, to begin with launching your dream career. You are fine tuning all your ideas, and you want someone who’s going to really help you do that because you are feeling so disorganized. Instead of moving forward, you are just standing still.
I’ve been there too, but guess what? Reading this blog post truly is your first step to getting unstuck. Identifying where you are at right now is your starting point. These are your roadblocks.
So this is what you are battling now but where you want to be I want you to visualize for a second. Sometimes we never really let ourselves dream. It’s really important that you identify what you want and what your desires are. Not what your “shoulds” are.
The second step to getting unstuck is figuring out what YOU really want and targeting your destination.
It’s all about making a no excuses policy with yourself that you can and will achieve the success you want. This is the one thing I did that made my dream career happen. I want all of you to write this down right now……
Do what you can, from where you are, with everything you’ve got.
I did all I could, with what I had, from where I was. At one point, that meant having a 3-month old hanging on my hip who had a tongue tie so I was literally breastfeeding, pumping and then bottle feeding her around the clock.
It was crazy, but I kept going in the direction of my dreams.

Business School Graduation! Celebrating surviving three years of working full-time, going to school at night and starting this blog on the side!