A Day In My Life as Mompreneur: Monday
A few years back I wrote a blog post about a day in my life when I was an MBA grad student by night and consultant by day. I got so much great feedback that you all loved getting the behind the scenes info on my crazy juggle!  I love documenting what my life looks like because things are always changing for me and now when you throw a baby in the mix as a new mompreneur, it gets even more fun! 🙂

My Mompreneur Monday
So here was what my day looked like this past Monday. Mondays are not very fun for most people. I have dreaded Monday mornings in the past as well. But I love Mondays now…..here’s why!

5 am: Alarm goes off, and I try my hardest to get out the door before my daughter wakes up! I don’t enjoy waking up this early, but I have discovered it’s the ONLY way to get focus time to keep my business running. I am a big believer that you make your own time and are never too busy for what is really important to you.
5:30 am: In my seat at the coffee shop two blocks away. I prepare content for a webinar I am doing this week. I also prepare for my Corporate Rescue Plan group coaching call later scheduled for later in the evening.
7:30 am: Work is done for the day! Well…almost. My focus work is done, but now I get to talk to lovely women from all over the world for the rest of the today. I come home to see my daughter and husband laughing together and of course both VERY excited for mama to be home! I feed my daughter and then throw dinner in a crockpot while she watches me from my high chair. I also make breakfast (avocado toast) and do my daily YouTube yoga workout.
9 am: Make a smoothie (spinach, blueberries, banana and coconut milk) and head out for a walk with my daughter in the stroller. This is normally a run, but my body hurts from this morning’s workout, so I am taking it easy today! I always listen to a business podcast while out for a walk.  I treat these podcasts like having my own personal mentors because I get so inspired. My favorites these days are Glambition Radio by Ali Brown, Online Marketing Made Easy by Amy Porterfield or Smart Passive Income by Pat Flynn. Luckily, my daughter goes to sleep on the walk! 🙂
10 am: Call with potential client in Shanghai. I love that my business is global and I can serve women all over the world on Skype!
11:30 am: Make lunch (quinoa Greek salad), and prep emails for my webinar coming up this week. I nurse my daughter and shower. My husband (A.K.A. Chief Operating Officer of CCG) helps me with some techie stuff and he helps me learn how to use a new microphone for webinars and calls. I put my daughter down for her afternoon nap and enjoy a wonderful quiet moment!
2 pm: Coaching session with a new Corporate Rescue Plan client. She steps up and invests in herself and her future dream career! I am so proud of her!
3 pm: Nurse my daughter. Journal, read a book and enjoy some down time. I catch up on my private Facebook groups with my clients. They ask some fabulous questions, and I love helping them! I shower and get ready to chat with another new client.
4 pm: Another session with a client who is ready to launch her dream career.  I give her my recommendation and help her create her plan of attack.
4:30 pm: Make dinner, feed my daughter and clean up my daughter. She’s a mess! 🙂
5:15 pm: Prepare for my Corporate Rescue Plan group coaching call. I meditate and just make sure I am really present so I can help my clients as much as possible over the next hour.
5:30 pm: Corporate Rescue Plan group coaching call starts!  I have another call tomorrow for my Love Your Career Formula clients as well. Seriously, these are some of my favorite times of the week! It’s a lot of questions to answer in one little hour, and I have to be on my A-Game, but they time flies by and I love helping them. That’s when you know you are in your dream career, right?
6:30 pm: Jump on Facebook and Instagram with a few comments and posts. This is the first time for the day because all of my social media is already pre-scheduled for the week. I publish a blog post that I have already written about with information on my upcoming webinar. I delete and respond to a few emails. I like to go to sleep with zero emails in my inbox. I think I sleep better:)  I delegate tasks to my amazing virtual assistant in the Philippines who works when I sleep. I streamline her priorities, so she knows what to work on for her day.
8 pm: No working or talking about work after 8 pm is the family rule! My husband and I watch television and spend some quality time together.
9 pm: Read a book. Right now I am reading Gone Girl, and it’s a bit addicting.
9:30 pm: Lights out! Great day. I work hard, but I love what I do. Let’s do it again tomorrow!


I am a firm believer that the happier you are in your career, the more successful you become.  Happiness is the key to work life balance and my day is a great balance of all of the things that make me happy. Helping women launch their dream careers, spending loads of time with my daughter and husband and feeling fulfilled by reading and being by myself as well so that I can be present.

Note: This is my Monday schedule, and Tuesdays look very similar. But, Wednesdays through Fridays I normally take NO client calls. On these days I don’t work so hard, and I can create and work on things that need more of my focus (or just hang out at the zoo).


Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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