Anna Runyan
Anna is the founder of Classy Career Girl, named by Forbes as one of the top 35 most influential career sites of 2014. She helps millions of women design and launch their dream careers, businesses and lives through her website, online courses and social media channels.


Anna Runyan
Anna is the founder of Classy Career Girl, named by Forbes as one of the top 35 most influential career sites of 2014. She helps millions of women design and launch their dream careers, businesses and lives through her website, online courses and social media channels.


Posts by Anna
What Career Is Right For Me?

What Career Is Right For Me?

Have you ever wondered, "What career is right for me?" Today we are going to the real heart of the entire dream career launch process ...figuring out your ideal career! Finding out what direction you should go into is where the rubber meets the road. If you've been...