Beth Leslie
Beth Leslie is a full-time writer and part-time traveler. She writes graduate career advice on behalf of Inspiring Interns, who specialize in matching candidates to their dream internship.


Beth Leslie
Beth Leslie is a full-time writer and part-time traveler. She writes graduate career advice on behalf of Inspiring Interns, who specialize in matching candidates to their dream internship.


Posts by Beth
What a Job Interview and a Date Have in Common

What a Job Interview and a Date Have in Common

Bringing romance into the workplace is generally not a good idea. Bringing it into the interview process is a recipe for a lawsuit. But when you think about it, dating and interviewing have a lot in common. Both require selecting the perfect outfit, flossing, avoiding...

Why Traveling Makes You More Hireable

Why Traveling Makes You More Hireable

Like most women, I’ve often been told that I can’t have it all. When I first announced my intention to go traveling, concerned friends and family lined up to tell me what a mistake I was making. How gaps in my CV would put employers off hiring me. How if I didn’t get...