(Editors Note: This article is not about world domination.) Millennials are tough. Â We've managed to survive our teen years amid a turbulent economy and other personal factors of our lives. Baby boomers and yuppies may disagree with some of our life and work choices,...
Erin Scott
Erin Scott is a book publishing and marketing specialist at LitFire Publishing, a company based in Atlanta GA which envisions helping more authors transform their manuscripts into top-quality books, and provides personalized marketing and distribution support to help authors become contenders in today's very competitive market. Follow Erin on twitter at @erinscottlf or read more of her tips at http://blog.litfirepublishing.com.
Erin Scott
Erin Scott is a book publishing and marketing specialist at LitFire Publishing, a company based in Atlanta GA which envisions helping more authors transform their manuscripts into top-quality books, and provides personalized marketing and distribution support to help authors become contenders in today's very competitive market. Follow Erin on twitter at @erinscottlf or read more of her tips at http://blog.litfirepublishing.com.
Posts by Erin