After working for a couple years, many women choose (or are compelled) to leave their office jobs to stay at home in order to raise their children. Being a stay-at-home mom can be a full-time job in itself, but is one that isn’t often recognized as “strong experience”...
Hayley Panasiuk
Hayley Panasiuk founded Unfold Careers to provide affordable career advice to students and professionals struggling to meet their career goals. When she's not coaching students at, Hayley works as a corporate attorney in California and travels the world, inspiring 9-to-5'ers to live their dreams fearlessly.
Hayley Panasiuk
Hayley Panasiuk founded Unfold Careers to provide affordable career advice to students and professionals struggling to meet their career goals. When she's not coaching students at, Hayley works as a corporate attorney in California and travels the world, inspiring 9-to-5'ers to live their dreams fearlessly.
Posts by Hayley