Pilates, a fitness system for improving body strength as well as immunity simultaneously toning the overall body, focuses primarily upon a different kind of breathing technique that requires you to inhale through the nostril and exhale via the mouth. Its scope is...
Surbhi Kanur
I am a girl in my twenties, trying to discover myself in an exciting manner and wish to get surprised by every move of my life. Writing for me, I believe, relieves stress, helps me concentrate better, and let me re-invent myself. It enchants me like Meditation which stimulates deepest recess of my brain and thus lets me harness the energy lying unused.
Surbhi Kanur
I am a girl in my twenties, trying to discover myself in an exciting manner and wish to get surprised by every move of my life. Writing for me, I believe, relieves stress, helps me concentrate better, and let me re-invent myself. It enchants me like Meditation which stimulates deepest recess of my brain and thus lets me harness the energy lying unused.
Posts by Surbhi