I'm currently in Bangkok. I’ve been traveling and volunteering in Southeast Asia for three months. Last week, I went to a lunch meeting for a philanthropic organization here. Was I invited? Nope. Did it matter? Not at all. At the lunch, I talked to several Bangkok...
Leah is the founder and editor of www.urban20something.com, a blog that helps millennials take advantage of their experiences and opportunities. She strongly believes in the power of millennials and it's her mission to help millennials find the power within themselves. She's currently freelancing and volunteering here way through Southeast Asia. She loves rooftops, dogs, Les Miserables, and her home city, NYC.
Leah is the founder and editor of www.urban20something.com, a blog that helps millennials take advantage of their experiences and opportunities. She strongly believes in the power of millennials and it's her mission to help millennials find the power within themselves. She's currently freelancing and volunteering here way through Southeast Asia. She loves rooftops, dogs, Les Miserables, and her home city, NYC.
Posts by Leah