Leadership is not a gift or magic but a set of soft skills to acquire. Once you decide to foster them, you should be ready to work like a beaver, consume your energy, and practice a lot. It requires time. After reading this post, you'll know skills you might miss on...

Lesley Vos
Lesley Vos is a professional web writer and blogger behind PlagiarismCheck.org and contributor to publications on lifestyle, career, and self-development. Travel and family are what motivates her to work hard, and you are welcome to see more writings by Lesley on Twitter.

Lesley Vos
Lesley Vos is a professional web writer and blogger behind PlagiarismCheck.org and contributor to publications on lifestyle, career, and self-development. Travel and family are what motivates her to work hard, and you are welcome to see more writings by Lesley on Twitter.
Posts by Lesley