Meagan Weekes
Meagan Weekes works at Canadabiz.net as a Content Manager. She enjoys sharing career tips and her broad work experience. She specializes in developing business ideas, career advancement, and networking.


Meagan Weekes
Meagan Weekes works at Canadabiz.net as a Content Manager. She enjoys sharing career tips and her broad work experience. She specializes in developing business ideas, career advancement, and networking.


Posts by Meagan
8 Sure Signs You’re Facing a Burnout

8 Sure Signs You’re Facing a Burnout

Absolutely everyone is prone to burnout. While it’s true that routine and repetition can be good for you, they’re less good when they’re preventing you from growing or you’re repeating stressful tasks. Everyone needs a break – that’s why your job gives you vacation...

Master These 8 Body Language Tips For Career Success

Master These 8 Body Language Tips For Career Success

Women don’t have it easy in the workplace. We’re expected to look a certain way, behave a certain way, and deal with a lot of things that our male coworkers wouldn’t have to deal with, like harmful stereotypes. Body language is a crucial element of communication, and...