Rita Golstein
Rita Golstein-Galperin is a Career Makeover Strategist® for expat women and the founder of Expat Renaissance. She is a multicultural mom in Paris and a passionate lover of all chocolate:) She is also an author, entrepreneur, public speaker and a career and business coach for expats, striving to help women around the world redefine and reinvent their success abroad.


Rita Golstein
Rita Golstein-Galperin is a Career Makeover Strategist® for expat women and the founder of Expat Renaissance. She is a multicultural mom in Paris and a passionate lover of all chocolate:) She is also an author, entrepreneur, public speaker and a career and business coach for expats, striving to help women around the world redefine and reinvent their success abroad.


Posts by Rita
The Three Biggest Career Mistakes

The Three Biggest Career Mistakes

One day you’ll realize that it’s time to move on and that you want to completely change your career. This is a big leap out of your comfort zone – good for you! But it’s not all rosy in career makeover land,  so let me save you some trouble. There are various...

How to Rock Your LinkedIn Profile in 8 Steps

How to Rock Your LinkedIn Profile in 8 Steps

Social media is ruling the world. In the professional aspect, you either have a LinkedIn profile or you don’t exist… The vision of Jeff Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn, is “We aspire to build the world’s first economic graph; in other words, a digital mapping of the...

3 Annoying Excuses That Are Holding You Back

3 Annoying Excuses That Are Holding You Back

Our mind is programmed to keep us safe and unhurt. Whenever a new idea lights you up with excitement, a second later, your self-sabotaging mechanism will kick in with doubts and excuses of you really should NOT pursue your dreams. Well, dear readers of Classy Career...