If you want to be successful in your career or business, I have a little-known secret for you. It’s not what you do to get ahead, it’s how you think. You can’t get your career unstuck or grow your business if you are not in the right mindset. If you take all the...
Tatyana Rafeel
Tatyana Rafeel provides mindset and business tips for chic and passionate millennial female entrepreneurs who want to run their business efficiently and stress-free. She also has a strong love for iced green tea lattes with extra, extra matcha powder! She blogs and works over at TheAmbitionUpgrade.com.
Tatyana Rafeel
Tatyana Rafeel provides mindset and business tips for chic and passionate millennial female entrepreneurs who want to run their business efficiently and stress-free. She also has a strong love for iced green tea lattes with extra, extra matcha powder! She blogs and works over at TheAmbitionUpgrade.com.
Posts by Tatyana