Career Coaching: Find Work You Love

In this Career Coaching Guide, you’re going to discover a new system. Something that gives you the resources to find a career you are passionate about and a career that makes a difference. You are going to see how to transform your skills into a career so you can make a living doing what you love and have more happiness and confidence in your ideal workday.

The goal of this guide is simple: To help you easily find a fulfilling, lifelong career.


What’s Wrong With Job Searching?

When most people realize they need a new job, the first thing that they think they need to do is look at online job sites. Monster. Indeed. Job descriptions. Help Wanted signs.

You may start with applying to jobs you really, really want but then after little response, you are left with applying to jobs that would be ok, because anything is better than what you’ve got right now. Am I right?

But, let me present to you a new plan of action instead. An action plan where you say good-bye to feeling lost and overwhelmed, applying to job after job, feeling a little lost, and hello to identifying what your dream career is first. Then, find that dream career in ways that don’t include those online job boards.


My Story

I started my career at a consulting company. I actually spent 8 years there and I can say that some of those years I loved what I did in the beginning, and then in the middle towards later years, I just felt stuck. My job truly just wasn’t the right fit. I was doing great, getting raises and promotions but I just dreaded Monday mornings and didn’t know what the heck I was going to do.

But I focused on learning more about myself. Once I found my passion and interests and pursued them as much as I could and focused on becoming my best self and doing the best work I could do, opportunities kept coming to me left and right. When you are headed in the right direction, doors open.

Even though I didn’t feel like I was good enough to pursue my dreams, I just kept going every day learning a little more or reaching out to one more person. Eventually, my confidence started to grow and I realized that I was in control of my life and it didn’t matter what anyone else thought of my career decisions.

How to Turn Your 2021 Goals into an Organized Plan
I am so passionate about helping women get unstuck because I know what it is like to be totally stuck in a job you hate and to dread going to work every morning. I know what it’s like to put on a fake face at work and pretend you are enjoying what you do but deep down inside you just know that there is something missing and there is something bigger than you are supposed to be doing.


Career Coaching Resources to Find Work You Love


Job Search Trends

There are three job search trends you need to know about right now.

Job Search Trend #1

The first trend is that it is much harder for job searchers to land interviews solely by using online job search engines. Applicant tracking systems have a tougher screening process. Job seekers need to spend a lot of time in the self-assessment process in order to be able to clearly explain on the resume and cover letter how their background and skills match the job description specifically.

The good news is that there are better ways to job search now that I recommend. Employee referrals are the #1 way that you can find a job and as long as you keep that in mind and use the strategies that I teach you in this blog post, you are way ahead of your competition.

Job Search Trend #2

The second trend is that employers are hiring less from experience and skills and instead they are hiring more on candidates who know themselves and what they want. Employers are looking for candidates who are likable with a personality and sense of humor. You have to know how you are seen in an interview and do everything you can to assess if changes are needed. Employers are obsessed these days with figuring out if a candidate will fit into their culture.

The good news is that you are more qualified once you determine your ideal career and you will have more success applying to jobs you actually want. It’s like a win-win if you ask me.

Job Search Trend #3

The third trend is that social media is becoming an important resource in finding and reviewing candidates. 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to vet candidates. There are 6.5 million active job listings on LinkedIn. According to Jobvite; 65% of recruiters search Facebook, and 55% consult Twitter accounts. Another 18% of recruiters search Google+ and, in case there are any homemade videos lurking about, 15% will type your name into YouTube. So are your online reputation and your social media accounts setting you up for success in getting your dream job?

It’s one thing to actually know your ideal career, but then it’s time to use these trends to actually find the job. You can do it. There’s nothing stopping you from creating your plan and job searching THE RIGHT WAY to find your dream career.

You can find a career where you are appreciated and get out of debt. You can have a career with less stress and create a better home life for yourself. You can stay on track with your career transition plan so that you can impact and change lives.


CCG Love your work and life roadmap


The Socially Hired System: How to Leverage Social Media To Find Your Dream Career


1. Change Your Mindset

You can contact anyone and anywhere.  You don’t need to rely on job postings. Where are your people online that you can help right now? What recruiters or hiring managers are on LinkedIn or Twitter that you can find? What is the last thing they do before they go to bed? Who do you need to reach to find and land your dream job? All things are possible. All contacts are possible. All dreams are possible.

2. Pick Your One Platform

Blog, Instagram, online portfolio, Facebook groups, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Medium. What is best for you and the career that you really want to have? Where is your market? Where are the recruiters in your dream career? Where are the employees of your dream company?

3. Create Your Socially Hired Message Template

Make your messaging template personalized. Don’t copy and paste and send it out to everyone. Stand out. Let them know in the first sentence your similarities and why it is them that you want to speak with. Spend a lot of time on your subject line. Be different. Stand out in the subject. Write exactly what you do and exactly what you would like from them.

Here’s an example of a messaging template you can use:

“Good Morning. My name is (your name). I’m interested in learning more about what you do and your work at (company), and I would love to have a quick phone chat or buy you a quick coffee. I have a long history in (your background -sell yourself). I’m interested in learning more about companies focused directly on (industry). You can return my call at (your number). I’d be happy to meet you for coffee or jump on the phone anytime that is convenient for you.”

“My name is (insert name), I’m a (current job) from [hometown] who just moved to [current city]. I’ve been reading your work in [enter publication] for a while now, and was wondering if you have a spare 15 minutes for a new (job position) in [current city]? I would love to hear about your journey as a [enter occupation], and any advice you may have regarding [enter occupation] and networking in [enter current city]. If you have some time in the next couple of weeks I’d love to buy you cup of coffee- hope to hear from you.”

4. Follow Up After 7 Days

Only follow up once. If they don’t respond, it’s not someone you want in your network anyways. Follow up by changing the subject line or asking a question.

5. Personalize your message and contact at least 3-5 people per day.

Stay consistent with this. Don’t just wait for responses. The more you reach out the more responses you will get. People do want to help!

KEY: Always give and provide value. This is not about You. It’s not about what you can get. It’s about giving.


How to Identify What Your Dream Career Even Is

If you have stalled in your career and continue hitting a wall trying to execute your plan, most likely it’s because you have to go back to the foundation to identify the career you were born to do. The career where opportunities come to you effortlessly that you are satisfied with because you love the work you do. We need to identify your passion and your purpose.

Career Coaching Quote - Its possibleIf you take away nothing else, know that you can do this. It is possible. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t let fear stop you. I know you can create your dream career and have your dream lifestyle. I hope you see what is possible for you with some simple changes and decisions. Today your dream career is swinging open for you, you just have to take action.

There is so much that is possible for you when leveraging social media to find your dream career and you are one step closer to fulfillment and happiness. You don’t have to stay stuck.

You have talents within you that you are aware of and others that you aren’t even aware of yet.

But Anna, there’s more to do than time allows!

Remember, it only takes 15 minutes a day to make your dreams happen.

I’m afraid!

Maybe you are backing off from what you truly want to do because you’re hesitant to be who you really are. You have a fear of being yourself. You’re also losing confidence in yourself.

I have a ton of ideas but no solid plan of action!

Here’s what I know to be true. If you’ve ever faced these before, you’re totally normal. But if you allow these to become your everyday truth, you’ll never achieve your personal goals in a better-paying job where you can reach your full potential.

I’m not good enough.

Previously, maybe you thought you weren’t good enough to make your dreams a reality. These days, that’s not true. It’s so easy to get the skills and education you need online and you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to pursue any career out there.

It’s also not difficult to transition into a new industry. I created my own career change from Finance into Human Resources and Training and I am all about getting your new career off the ground the fastest, easiest, and most affordable way possible.

A larger salary is possible for you. You can get that promotion and completely blow away your interviewer with your communication skills and a solid resume. It all comes down to understanding yourself first and finding the ideal career that will give you the most fulfillment. Then, doors swing open.

Finding the right career that you were born to do opens up so many opportunities for you right now! A fulfilling and happy career is the NEW path to success and leadership in companies around the world.

People around the world are finding their ideal careers and finding more rewarding lives. You have a huge opportunity to find fulfillment and happiness and work right now even more than ever before. Your time is now.


The Get Unstuck Roadmap

Most people haven’t done the self-evaluation that is really required before jumping into their career after college.

Instead, you need to have a plan and a goal.


The 7-step Get Unstuck System

Step 1: Understand You

It is important to think about your current career situation and identify all of the things that you love and hate in your career situation right now so you can make sure you figure out what you truly want in your next job. Also, you should identify your own unique personality because not all personalities fit every career path. I always recommend a personality assessment to all of my clients because it helps them map out their future career path to the type of career that fits them best.

Step 2: Nail Your Mission

Many people have a really tough time putting their finger on their mission. Some people think that their purpose in life is to get a good education so that they can get a nice house and a great car. If this is what you think, you have a lot more thinking to do.

Each of us has a unique purpose that cannot be replaced by another person.

Step 3: Self-Reflection

This step is all about identifying not only the skills that you are good at but also the skills that you enjoy.

Motivations can change over your lifetime and what motivates you now may be different in five years so if you haven’t thought about this lately, you must if you want to be fulfilled.

It’s also about imagining your ideal workday and ideal work environment. This step also identifies if you have an entrepreneur personality and if starting a business could be in your future.

Step 4: Target Your Job Search

During this step, you brainstorm potential career targets and narrow down the best careers for you based on your prior experiences and your self-reflection from steps 1-3. Make a list of 10 potential career targets and do your homework.

Research as much as you can to see which of the career fields fits your ideal workday and utilizes your favorite skills, interests, and motivations.

Step 5: Uncover Any Issues

In this step, you uncover issues that could potentially come up with your career targets. Are industries you want to go into doing well in our current economy? What is the forecast for your ideal career target for the future? Are they hiring? Does the salary line up with what you need to make to afford your expenses? What could go wrong at the company you really want to work for.

Step 6: Create Your Ideal Career Outline and Brand

In this step, you create your ideal career outline which is a one-page document that consolidates all of your responses from steps 1-5. This way you have it all on one page and can use it when you get a job offer to ensure you accept a job that is the right career fit for you. This step is also about creating your online personal branding strategy and getting your social media accounts all set-up for job search success.

Step 7: Kick it Into High Gear With Networking

This step is all about establishing your goals and then creating a networking action plan that matches those goals. I suggest strategic and efficient networking so you will network with the “right” people who have the opportunities that you want.

And those are our 7 steps and what does that spell? UNSTUCK!

Imagine impacting and changing other people’s lives. Being marketable and controlling your destiny. Spending more time with your family with a better home life and more balance. Being part of a meaningful team in a job that plays to your strengths.

Looking forward to work and feeling accomplished. Feeling rewarded and confident achieving your personal goals and staying on track. Turning your gifts into revenue with time to travel and enjoy your life too.

It is possible if you follow my steps.


The 6 Phases of Love Your Career Formula

Phase 0: DREAMER

You are a Dreamer if you have no idea where to start. You aren’t even sure what your passion is and you are really frustrated with where your career is right now. You thought you’d be in a different place by now and you are ready to start the process of figuring out what steps you need to take to be happy again.

Phase 1: Designer

You are a Designer if you are now motivated to change careers but confused about what type of career to start. You are scared to take the first step and struggling to find enough time to make it happen. You are beginning to figure out your purpose and strengths and how they will fit into your ideal career.

Phase 2: Explorer

You are an Explorer if you don’t know what career you want. You lack direction and focus and you are tired of being stuck in a job that doesn’t fit you. You are ready to find your ideal career fit.

Phase 3: Searcher

You are a Searcher if you know what your ideal career is and you are now ready to find it. You are ready to work on your resume and cover letter. You are also ready to apply for jobs, expand your network and practice those interview skills.

Phase 4: Connector

You are a Connector if you have a resume and cover letter to your ideal job all ready to go. You are getting interviews and expanding your network but just need some advanced job search strategies to really help you take your career search to the next level.

Phase 5: Leader

You are a leader if you have a job you love and now want to get ahead and raise the bar. You’re ready to level up your career, get promoted, and achieve the success you know is possible for you. You know you want to make a big impact in the world and you can’t do it where you are right now.

Now, what is your first step? It’s this.


Here are the five steps of the Dream Career Launchpad:

The Dream Career Launchpad is truly about helping you determine your direction, create a plan of action, conquer your fears, make time for your priorities and make a mental commitment to achieve the success you know you want to have.

Step 1: Time: Don’t Waste It

This step is important because you are probably feeling like there is more to do than time allows, you are battling procrastination and having a hard time finding balance. You aren’t sure how to carve out “me” time for your goals and are feeling drained and missing out on your family. Most importantly, you don’t want to waste time so that is why we start with time first to help you make time to launch your dream career.

Step 2: Mindset and Conquering Your Fears

You might be afraid to fail and so you are backing off. Thinking about all the “what ifs” and losing confidence in yourself. Battling self-doubt and wondering if you are really good enough to make your dreams a reality. You think you are never going to get hired and you are afraid to dream too big. You are also having a fear of living up to other people’s expectations.

One of the things I had to do was list all of the things that could go wrong if I went after my fears. Then, I listed all of the things that could go right if I went after my fears. Then, I asked myself if it was worth it to go all in.

This always provides so much clarity for me. I usually find that it is worth it to go all in. I highly recommend doing this when making a career transition or thinking about a new opportunity. Push yourself to see that the worst that can happen if you fail, really isn’t that bad.

Step 3: Making a Mental Commitment

This is the most important step for you if you are afraid to take the first step. You are indecisive and scared to make the wrong choice. You are wondering if it’s time to make a career move and struggling with uncertainty so you just stay in limbo and do nothing.

Create a contract with yourself that you will go after your dream career. Sign it and date it and put it where you can always see it. Tell a friend about your commitment and make the first step TODAY towards your dream career. Make it a non-negotiable. You will do this no matter what.

Step 4: Know Your Direction

The fourth step is to know the direction you want to go in. This step is so important if you don’t know what’s next and are feeling really lost. If you are in limbo and it’s hard to figure out your passion and what you love to do. You can’t find your “thing” if you haven’t figured out what you want to be when you grow up. This step is vital to launching your dream career.

Step 5: Fine-Tune Your Career and Business Ideas

The fifth step is to fine-tune your career and business ideas and plan for your launch. This is for you if you just need to make that first step and need a jumpstart. You want to plan out your transition and start making forward momentum but you just aren’t sure exactly how to start and go about it the best way. So this is where you narrow it all down and create your 90-day plan.



For now, I want to leave you with this… great quote by Maya Angelou,

“You can never be great at anything unless you love it.”


CCG - Maya Angelou Quote

Stay focused on what you love.

Imperfect action. Baby steps. You just have to keep moving forward. Not doing anything means you won’t be able to start making the impact and have the freedom that you want to have to spend time with your family and friends and do what you love.

Follow along with the guide above. I have worked with thousands of women all around the world in all kinds of industries. These strategies work. I love the time I get to spend now at work and the freedom I have created in my career with my daughters, the passion I have, jumping out of bed to get to work, but what really drives me is purpose.

Using my skills, strengths, and passions for a purpose and helping other women do the same. And that’s why I want to get this out to a lot more women.

I’m excited for you!

Career Coaching FAQ’s

What are the benefits of career coaching?

Career coaching offers several significant benefits:

  • Clarity: Coaches help you cut through the noise and gain clarity on your career aspirations, strengths, and areas for growth.
  • Confidence: Working with a coach builds self-confidence in your abilities and in navigating the job market.
  • Accountability: Coaches hold you accountable to your goals, encouraging consistent action toward your professional objectives
  • Customized strategies: Unlike generic advice, a coach will develop a plan tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.
  • Networking Support: Coaches often have a valuable network and can help facilitate connections and provide insider knowledge about different industries.

How can I find a good career coach?

Finding the right coach is crucial. Here’s what to consider:

  • Area of expertise: Choose a coach whose focus aligns with your needs (career change, leadership development, job search strategies, etc.).
  • Rapport: The coach-client relationship is dynamic. Schedule a consultation to see if you establish a good rapport with the potential coach.
  • References: Ask for references or testimonials from past clients to gauge their effectiveness.

How much does career coaching typically cost?

Costs vary widely depending on the coach’s experience, location, and the package of services selected. Here’s a general idea:

  • Hourly rates: Can range from $75 to $300+ per hour.
  • Packages: Many coaches offer multi-session packages, potentially lowering the overall cost.
  • Sliding scales: Some coaches may adjust fees based on financial circumstances.

Is career coaching right for me?

Career coaching can be remarkably beneficial if you fit any of these descriptions:

  • Feeling lost or stagnant: You lack direction or feel stuck in your current career path.
  • Major transition: You are navigating a job change, career shift, or entering/re-entering the workforce.
  • Ambitious goals: You have high aspirations and want focused support to achieve them.
  • Lacking motivation: You need guidance and external accountability to break procrastination cycles.

Important Note: Career coaching is an investment in yourself. If you’re ready to commit time, energy, and resources to your professional growth, it can be very transformative.

Career Coaching Resources for job searching

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

Learn More

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