Find Your Passion
Navigate Your Career Through the Changing World with Lindsey Pollak

Navigate Your Career Through the Changing World with Lindsey Pollak

  I started my blog in 2010 and I’ve been in this online world for a long long time. There’s not many career experts that have been around this world for such a long long time which is why today is exciting! I interview someone else who shares a common love and...

New Ways to Make Extra Money and Make a Difference

New Ways to Make Extra Money and Make a Difference

Have you noticed that most career advice (job searching or business) starts with networking! If you struggle with networking and are looking for ways to make extra money, you are not alone. Most people are STRUGGLING with networking when they are still figuring out...

Getting Over Career Setbacks and Building Confidence with Jen Ngozi

Getting Over Career Setbacks and Building Confidence with Jen Ngozi

Today I have such a great guest that I am so excited to introduce you to if you are feeling like you are having a career setback. The woman you are about to meet is a former recruiter and she shares a ton of inside information about the hiring industry right now. How...

Smart Goals Templates To Create a Life You Really Want

Smart Goals Templates To Create a Life You Really Want

Today I want to help you write goals that are going to help you create a life you really want with smart goals templates. The first thing I want you to know is that there is no bad goal you can set. There is no wrong way to set goals for the new year. I don’t want you...

Switching Careers: Are You Ready?

Switching Careers: Are You Ready?

In this video about switching careers, I share how to know when you're ready to make your dream career or business happen. If you are overwhelmed switching careers with all the steps that need to happen, this video will tell you the very first step to take. There's...

3 Massive Mistakes To Avoid When Launching Your Dream Career

3 Massive Mistakes To Avoid When Launching Your Dream Career

Are you making these 3 massive mistakes launching your dream career or business. Make sure you have your pen and paper handy so you remember not to make these mistakes. Full disclosure: I’ve made them all too so don’t feel guilty if you‘ve made these mistakes because....