Get Better With Money
How to Become Financially Independent and Find Financial Freedom

How to Become Financially Independent and Find Financial Freedom

How This Mom Built a $10M Real Estate Portfolio and Retired From the Corporate Grind  Join us for a Classy Career Girl Podcast episode with Palak Shah. Palak has trained hundreds of real estate investors to create millions of dollars in real estate portfolios. She...

How To Plan and Achieve Your Financial Goals

How To Plan and Achieve Your Financial Goals

What you track, increases. What you measure, increases. Whether it’s a certain amount of money you want to have or a certain amount of debt you are paying off. Subscribe on your favorite platform below: iTunes Google Play Music Stitcher Radio TuneIn iHeartRadio Sound...

3 Steps To Plan Your Revenue Goals

3 Steps To Plan Your Revenue Goals

I wanted to quit my day job. I needed to get out of a stressful work situation and make my business dreams come true. Subscribe on your favorite platform below: iTunes Google Play Music Stitcher Radio TuneIn iHeartRadio Sound Cloud 3 Steps To Plan Your 2020 Revenue...

New Ways to Make Extra Money and Make a Difference

New Ways to Make Extra Money and Make a Difference

Have you noticed that most career advice (job searching or business) starts with networking! If you struggle with networking and are looking for ways to make extra money, you are not alone. Most people are STRUGGLING with networking when they are still figuring out...

3 Ways to Plan For Profit

3 Ways to Plan For Profit

When I first started my blog, I was making some income each month. I was getting paid for sponsored posts and requests for sponsored posts here and there. I made enough to hire a virtual assistant, but everything I was bringing in, I was spending. So I needed more...

How To Generate an Income From a Blog

How To Generate an Income From a Blog

This week we want to talk about about starting a profitable blog. So in today's podcast episode, we are going to start talking about how to actually make revenue from a blog. Subscribe on your favorite platform below: iTunes Google Play Music Stitcher Radio TuneIn...

How to Build Multiple Revenue Streams

How to Build Multiple Revenue Streams

Today's topic is what my CRP members have been asking me. It's all about how to create multiple revenue models. And more importantly, I know a lot of you guys are just starting your business. And so how to pick which one to start and some options for you for building...

How to Transform Your Money Mindset

How to Transform Your Money Mindset

If you are feeling stuck in your income growth, it might have to do with your mindset. I know when I started a business, I had a lot of mindset blocks that I needed to move past in order to grow. I'll share what I learned and the resources that really helped me in...