Money Videos
How to Become Financially Independent and Find Financial Freedom

How to Become Financially Independent and Find Financial Freedom

How This Mom Built a $10M Real Estate Portfolio and Retired From the Corporate Grind  Join us for a Classy Career Girl Podcast episode with Palak Shah. Palak has trained hundreds of real estate investors to create millions of dollars in real estate portfolios. She...

How to Know When To Quit Your Day Job

How to Know When To Quit Your Day Job

Many years ago my husband and got married and drowned ourselves in debt. It's something I am not proud of but what I am proud of is that we got out of debt, decreased our expenses and somehow were able to both quit our jobs to pursue our career and business goals....

15 Ways I Paid Off $80,000 of Debt in 18 Months

15 Ways I Paid Off $80,000 of Debt in 18 Months

Last week I told you how paying off $80,000 of debt added freedom in my life and career.  I told you how paying off debt really does influence your career choices.  I know this isn’t a finance blog and I am not a financial expert. But, I do know that zero debt has...

Should You Start a Business

Should You Start a Business

Do you want to be employed or do you want to be the employer? Starting a business is not the right path for everyone. Deciding whether to remain in a job or build a business should be done with less emotion and a lot of thinking. Giving up the security of a full-time...

My Financial Plan Before I Quit My Day Job

My Financial Plan Before I Quit My Day Job

The day I quit my day job was a scary and super exciting day!! I knew I could make my business happen because I had worked so hard and because I had done a lot of things financially to make sure we were set up for success. Because let me tell you that 6 months...

How to Get Out of Debt (VIDEO)

How to Get Out of Debt (VIDEO)

Today I am sharing with you more of my tips on how to get out of debt. One of my most read blog posts was this post about how my husband and I got out of over $80K of debt. As we learned last week, debt has a huge impact on your career if your life is controlled by...