Create a Plan To Reach Your Goals
CCG Success 01: How to Live Your Best Life

CCG Success 01: How to Live Your Best Life

I received so much great feedback about last month's mini-series. As you may recall, we went back to the basics of how this all started and what it means to be a Classy Career Girl. If you haven't listened to last month's episodes, make sure you listen to those! So,...

3 Things We Believe at Classy Career Girl

3 Things We Believe at Classy Career Girl

If you get nothing else from reading our blog, and if you read no farther, I want you to remember these three things. These beliefs are so important to us at Classy Career Girl and all the work we do here.  3 Things We Believe at Classy Career Girl 1)You CAN Create...

Making a Commitment To Change

Making a Commitment To Change

“When we can no longer change the situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor Frankl (Note: Written February 5th) This is me right now. The house is a disaster. My bathroom has a million things on the floor. I just watched Tidying with Marie Kondo and I...

7 Ways I’m Playing Bigger

7 Ways I’m Playing Bigger

It’s a new year. If you listened to my goals podcast, you know that I am very focused this year. I have a clear head. I’m not pregnant! Haha. It feels great to have a fresh start. I’m feeling more like myself and ready to play big and reach more of my dreams and goals...

My Goals and How Everything Changed

My Goals and How Everything Changed

I am so excited to tell you all about what I am focusing on this year, what my goals are, and how everything has completely changed from last year. Of course, I’m creating my goals in our brand new 90-day planner. There’s something about this planner. I feel like my...

Golden Coil Planners: The Importance of Goal Setting

Golden Coil Planners: The Importance of Goal Setting

I recently interviewed the wonderful founders of Golden Coil, a line of individualized planners. I really think you are going to enjoy this interview! Trisha Zemp and Michelle Zemp, Founders, Golden Coil Planners Educational Background: Trisha Zemp: BFA Photography...

3 Steps To Successfully Reach Your 90-Day Goals

3 Steps To Successfully Reach Your 90-Day Goals

We just finished our planning challenge here at CCG. It is incredible to see the clarity and relief that comes from doing the plan, so I wanted to share my tips to reach your 90-day goals successfully. I had no idea what tasks I needed to do for a long time, and it...

How to Create a Vision Board

How to Create a Vision Board

Happy New Year!! Who is ready for an incredible year? Stick with me because this year I’ve got some amazing content to help you make your career and business dreams happen! I love vision boards. I’m going to tell you all about it in this episode because I think it’s a...

Create Affirmations That Change Your Life

Create Affirmations That Change Your Life

The night I found out I wasn’t going to be a mom in 2013, I happened to run across The Secret, a movie about the Law of Attraction. I was in serious need of something positive. It opened my eyes to the power of thinking positive. When I started, I created an "I want...