Coach Classes: 8 Steps To Go From 1:1 To Group Coaching

Coach Classes: 8 Steps To Go From 1:1 To Group Coaching

In this episode of Coach Classes, I am going to share how to switch from individual coaching to group coaching.

In this video, I am going to share the answer to one of the most common questions I get! I hear from so many coaches who are spending a lot of their time doing individual 1-1 coaching and are very burnt out. They are struggling with scaling and growing their businesses because they only have so much time in the day.

This was me when I started my business too. I only did 1-1 coaching until I made the leap and launched my first online course, my first membership site and then my first group coaching program. I have learned so much and in this video I share all of my lessons learned! Enjoy!

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Group coaching programs are very valuable to your clients because there is a benefit of having a community to go through your program. It’s also a more affordable option than individual coaching so it opens up the availability for people to be able to work with you.

In this video: Coach Classes: How To Go From Individual To Group Coaching

  • The best business model to start with when you first start coaching
  • How to transition to group coaching and scale your business
  • The first steps to plan out and launch a group coaching program
  • When to schedule the calls and how to create content for a group coaching program


Tips from this Coach Classes episode:

  1. When you are ready to launch your first group coaching program, I recommend making a list of the challenges that your clients have been facing during your 1-1 calls. Document their goals and what they are trying to achieve. Where do they want to go? What questions do you repeatedly get during your 1-1 calls? What advice do you give over and over again? Identify the common themes because those will be the pillars of your group coaching program.
  2. After you identify the common themes, create a path or outline that your clients in your program can go through. Identify what needs to be done 1-1 and what can be done as a group.
  3. Set a date and launch! The best part about this is that you can set a date 1-2 months from now and bonus or discount people who sign up for your early bird.
  4. You only need 2 people to start with a goal to get to 5-10. You can do this!
  5. How do you launch? Share this -> “In a month I’m offering X. If you join now, I’ll give you a 1-1 bonus call to get you started. Yes, it’s that easy!
  6. Start filling the group. I did this through 1-1 sales conversations and sales conversations are how I recommend selling individual coaching and group coaching when you are just getting started. You can always offer a webinar or video into your sales calls as well.
  7. You will learn so much from doing this and taking action. Don’t think too much about it. Just get it started and learn as you go!
  8. Have a survey your new clients will complete when they join so you know what they want to learn and get out of the program. Then you can add that into your outline.


Resources and Links

Career Coach Start-up Kit

I’m so excited to share with you my brand new webinar, The Career Coach Start-Up Kit.

On this free training, you’ll learn 3 simple steps to quit your day job and start a profitable and fulfilling career coaching business you love.

Here’s what I’ll be sharing on the training:

  • A proven path to quit your day job and start a profitable and fulfilling Career Coaching business.
  • How to go from no clients to booked out.
  • What is career coaching?
  • How long do sessions last?
  • The fastest way to get started as a career coach.
  • How to sell career coaching so you aren’t salesy.
  • How to narrow down your niche and the different ways to coach.

Get instant access to launch your career coaching business today. Register now.


Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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