Dear Classy Career Girl, How Do I Follow Up After an Job Interview?

Dear Classy Career Girl,

What do you do when you score an interview and they don’t give you contact info? If they specifically say “we will contact you” and give no info,  how do you thank them for the interview or follow up? Or what if they don’t mention their contact info and don’t have a card on them?

In general, how do you ask for contact info and what if they say no?

– Sincerely,

Confused After the Interview

How to Follow Up After a Job Interview

Dear Confused,
One of the most important things you can do during an interview is ask for your interviewer’s contact information. Even if it is awkward, you are meeting this person, and you never know how your paths might cross in the future.  Even if you aren’t hired, but this is a dream company that you want to work for, you should definitely stay in touch.
As long as you aren’t annoying them weekly, there is no reason that they shouldn’t be willing to give out their contact information. If they say no to giving out their contact information, then you don’t really want them as a contact, anyways.  So, each person you interview with, ask them for a business card.
Or if they don’t have a card on them, ask them for their email address and write it down.  Yes, I know it is weird and awkward especially when they are the ones in control but you have to make a good impression and a simple thank you email can make a big difference because so many people forget about this one really simple last step!

If they specifically say “We will contact you” and give no info,  how do you thank them for the interview?

Even if they say “We will contact you” that doesn’t mean you can’t simply thank them for the interview. Every interview you go on you will learn valuable information abut the industry and what you can offer by asking questions.
You should be thankful for every interview even if you disliked the possible job and interviewers.  I know I always learn something about myself or what I really want to do in the future after an interview. Plus, every interview you go on, you will find yourself less nervous the next time around.  I promise!

How do you ask for contact info?

Usually, at the end of the interview, they will ask you if you have any questions.  That is the time to ask them for a business card if you have any follow-up questions.  If they don’t have a business card, ask for their email address. If they say that you can’t contact them, like I mentioned before, not a very good person that you want in your network anyways.

What if afterwards, you realize that you forgot to ask for their contact information?

No worries.  If you didn’t ask and are still able to figure it out, this will come as a surprise to the interviewer, and you might win a few extra points! There are plenty of things you can do to get that information:
  1. Ask the HR person or recruiter that you have been working with if she can send you the email addresses or if she can forward on a thank you email from you to them.
  2. Google them and find them online either at their website address or their Linkedin Account. Send them a thank you through Linkedin or an email you can find on the website.  Don’t stalk them on Facebook or other social networking sites though.
  3. Figure out the email combination at that company – (first name, period, last name @ company and email them.  If you get an undeliverable, you know it wasn’t right.
  4. Find someone you know who works at the company and have them tell you their contact information.
I am also a big believer that if you don’t hear back from them, they aren’t that great of a company to work for and I am better for it.  I believe all companies can send a simple email to those they have interviewed to let them know that they have found someone else for the position.  That’s just polite, but I know so many companies that don’t do this.
If you have learned anything by reading this, I hope you learned to ask for contact information at your next interview! Now go ace that interview and make sure to follow up!

Readers, what do you think?  What are some follow up after a job interview do’s and don’ts that Confused should be aware of?

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