9 Ways You Can Make Your Office Eco-Friendly
The survival chances for mother Earth and its children are slim if we don’t rethink our attitudes toward the sensitive world issue of environmental damage. Going eco-friendly isn’t rocket science! Your workspace can be entirely transformed with some minor lifestyle changes.
Small changes taken in the right direction will make a big difference. We aren’t giving you a big, exhaustive list for this. Anyone can adapt to these changes for the health of the environment.

9 Ways You Can Make Your Office Eco-Friendly

1. Cut Down On Electricity and Water

It sounds obvious, but there are ways to do this that you probably haven’t even thought of. Of course, there are the more well-known ways to conserve energy, like using electricity and water cautiously, switching off the lights when you leave the room, not leaving the tap running when not in use, and installing energy saving equipment.
But there are other ways you can cut down too! You could install rain shut-off devices, use standby mode on electronic outputs such as Xerox machines and copiers, and install a “conservation mode” software on all the computers for when they’re on standby. Lastly, replace your light bulbs with CFL bulbs, which are energy-efficient and durable than a regular bulb.

2. Reduce Use of Paper

This may seem like an impractical approach since the use of paper is pretty much necessary in an office, but you don’t need to go completely paperless (but you totally can, just check out our article on how to create a paperless office!). Just use the minimum amount of paper. Buy unbleached or chlorine-free paper, use recycled ink cartridges, and avoid unnecessary packaging.

3. Consume Eco-Friendly Food Products

Encourage consumption of organic and local products in the office. These products are easy on the environment and your health (though not always your wallet), so it’s pretty much a win-win situation. Next time you order food for an office meeting, try ordering from places that use eco-friendly and renewable resources.

4. Proper Disposal of Office Supplies

Office supplies such as stationery, documents, food utensils are essential for the workplace, sure, but buy reusable supplies or dispose of them properly after use. Use recycling bins (we know, duh, but most people forget they exist) and make sure to actually separate the waste into the correct bins.

5. Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Nowadays, many “green” cleaning brands are available that are non-toxic in nature. Try to encourage your cleaning company/custodial team to use these products instead of conventional cleaning solutions, which often cause pollution as chemical waste.
[RELATED: 6 Smart Ways To Go Green At Work]

6. Carpooling

Use public transportation, walk (or bike), or carpool with your coworkers to reduce pollution. I know, I know, “Well, yeah, of course,” or, “None of my coworkers live near me,” or, “Public transportation is a pain.” But this will help the environment, improve your health (especially if you walk or bike), and save you a ton of money. There are even rideshare companies nowadays that are devoted to office carpooling, like van shares. If your coworkers all pay collectively it’s even cheaper!

7. Casual Dress Code

This is not permitted in every office, but if you can, then go casual (or at least business-casual). Suits and formal wear produce a lot of heat, which causes us to have the air conditioner on constantly. They also increase the need for dry cleaning, which harms the environment and your finances. Next time you argue for casual Friday, tell your boss it’s for the environment!

8. Install Green Plants

You can go green — literally — by doing this. Plants absorb the pollutants in the air and provide fresh oxygen for you to breathe. Place plants wherever possible at your workplace. It will improve your office’s design, mood, and help boost a healthy environment.

9. Install Portable AC

Use portable air conditioning systems for the employees who need it then and there. This reduces the amount of electrical energy that is wasted from central cooling systems. Why have the AC run in empty boardrooms and offices?
These are small and simple steps by which you can do wonders for the environment. All we need to do is play our part in making our environment eco-friendly, and the results will show.

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