What to Do to Stay Fresh on a Flight
It’s hard to maintain your stress-free look when you’re traveling. There’s little to no time for touch-ups when you’re catching a flight and hauling your luggage. In addition, the dry cabin air, delayed flight schedules, and jet lag never fails to dampen your look.
But in spite of the hassle, there are several things that you can do to stay fresh while in transit. Here are some of my tried and tested pre-flight and in-flight beauty tips.

Exactly What to Do to Stay Fresh on a Long Haul Flight


1. Drink Coconut Water

The dry cabin air sucks the moisture out your skin, leaving it tired, dry, and lackluster. To avoid dehydration when you’re up in the air, drink coconut water. It’s rich with vitamins and electrolytes that will keep your skin hydrated. So, buy coconut water from the nearest convenience or grocery store and guzzle it down the night before your flight. Bring some on board if you can.

2. Downsize Your Makeup and Skincare Essentials

You don’t have to ditch your skincare routine when you travel. Decant all your holy grail serums and creams in travel-sized containers you can easily store in your carry-on bag. Secure it inside a ziplock bag to avoid any disastrous leaks. At the same time, prepare a small pouch where you put only the essential makeup items.

3. Pamper Yourself

Treat yourself with a relaxing massage before you get stuck in a plane for hours. Go to a spa the night before your flight. It’s best if you avail a treatment that helps lock in moisture in your skin. Another option is to use reclining massage chairs in airport lounges (if your airport has it).
[RELATED: 5 Solo Female Travel Ideas]


1. Remove Your Makeup

By the time you reach your seat on the plane, you should remove all your makeup. Use wet wipes to completely remove the products on your face. Do your skincare routine afterward.

2. Wear an Eye Mask

There’s nothing much to do in an airplane so catch some Z’s. Wear an eyemask to help you fall asleep. It will block any light which disturbs your sleep cycle. If you get enough sleep, you won’t feel super tired.

3. Wear Light, Smudge-Proof Makeup

You got on the plane looking fab, you will get off the plane looking fresh. Apply a light makeup about an hour before the plane lands. Just stick to the essentials—neat brows, tinted moisturizer, powder, and lip balm. Keep it au naturel. 🙂 You’ll be fine because you don’t look like a hot mess!

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