Transitioning from a Military Retiree to an Entrepreneur with LaQuida Barnett

I am so excited to introduce you to one of our CLASS members. Today you are going to meet LaQuida Barnett. LaQuida has a really inspiring story of leaving her 9-5, and choosing to be committed to doing her dreams “no matter what”. She has tried many different marketing strategies and really put herself out there and I’m excited for you all to hear her story today. So let’s listen in.

Transitioning from a Military Retiree to an Entrepreneur

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LaQuida Barnett

Military Coach

What Phase are you currently in?

Phase 2

What are some of your WINS you have achieved since joining?

  • chose an industry for my passion to work in
  • chose a business name
  • started an LLC
  • created a website
  • ran a “beta” group for a program to test it
  • left my 9 to 5, without the profits or income yet and choosing to be committed to doing this “no matter what”
  • trying different marketing strategies and putting myself out there full time in my chosen profession

Before you joined, what is the top objection that was holding you back?

“It might have worked for others, but it won’t work for me/my market”

PIN Transitioning from a Military Retiree to an Entrepreneur with LaQuida Barnett

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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