Girl Boss: Our 8 Best Articles on Starting Your Own Business
Since “starting a business” articles are always a hot and trending topic on CCG, we thought we would do a roundup of ALL of our best Girl Boss Articles.  The truth is that starting a business is possible, you just need the right education and mentorship. That’s why we’ve put all of our BEST advice in one spot for you.

Here are our 8 best articles on becoming a Girl Boss:

1. The 4 Marketing Rules For Starting a Business: 
When you are pushing or promoting your products, people can tell. It doesn’t work. Instead you have to love your work and what you have to offer in your business. You have to be 100% authentic in sharing your message and you have to make your message and purpose shine through everything that you do and say. Starting a business is hard, so the more real and honest you are, the more people will trust you and want to work with you.
2. How to Rock Being Your Own Boss: 
So you want to be your own boss? If you want to quit your day job and work on your business full-time, there are some essential mindset shifts you must make.  It’s very different to be your own boss and have no one to rely on but yourself. Here are the most important mindset shifts to make the first year of becoming a girl boss.
3. What No One Tells You About Starting a Business: 
One of my biggest regrets is working far too long on my side business without knowing HOW I was going to make the leap to my dream business FULL-TIME. I felt completely stuck and I hated my day job. I really wanted to be my own boss and actually make an impact in the world. I worked on my blog whenever I had a free second. But, the problem was…my blog never made me enough to quit my day job.
4. The Top 10 Online Tools I Can’t Live Without to Run My Business: 
So here comes the massive list of online tools that have saved the day when it comes to CCG being more efficient and productive.
5. The 5 Steps to Create a Business Plan: 
Don’t just try a million things at once. If you can learn from someone else who has already done it, then you can learn the mistakes that you don’t want to make and it will speed up your journey to a freedom business. Here are 5 steps to create your business plan for your dream business.
6. Top 4 Benefits of Getting a Business Coach
Back in 2014, I made the best decision of my life and invested in myself. I hired a coach.  I hoped that this would be helpful to push me to where I wanted my career to go, but I had no idea what was going to happen. Now I have the best role ever as girl boss!
7. Top 10 Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make: 
So you have a great idea and you want to quit your day job and go full time! Live the business dream, right?  Well, whoever told you it was easy was wrong. Luckily other entrepreneurs have done it before you and are here to guide you through the process so you can do it faster without making a ton of mistakes.
8. Make More Money These 10 Creative Ways:
You know the feeling. You look at your budget and have that terrible feeling that funds are getting low and you absolutely have to make more money in your business this month to survive. What you are doing now just isn’t working. It might just be time to step away from your computer and start some other creative strategies to get the cash flowing again in your business.

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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