5 Simple Ways to Create a Productive Home Office
Working from home is something that many office-bound employees wistfully daydream about while stuck behind their corporate desks. No commute, coffee on demand, a pleasant stroll whenever you fancy, snacks on tap, pajamas all day, and not an irritating colleague in sight!
But for those who actually make the switch, working from home turns out not to be all that. While you’re free of annoying water cooler chitchat and depressing fluorescent lighting, finding the motivation to get down to business can be a real problem. From pets that want to play and fridges just begging to be raided to no-consequence lie-ins, it’s very easy for productivity to plummet when you work from home.
A productive home-working lifestyle is by no means impossible, however. If you can find your own balance and structure, you may discover you’re far more productive at home than in the workplace. Setting boundaries and structuring your workday is an important part of finding your home-working groove, but creating a focus-friendly space is also an effective way to boost your motivation.
These helpful pointers will help you design a home office that inspires you to get working, helps you concentrate, enhances your comfort, and encourages creativity.

5 Simple Ways to Create a Productive Home Office

1. Keep On Top of Clutter

Without office cleaners to clear up messes, many home workers fall prey to clutter. This can make home offices feel stressful and disorganized. You can seriously impair your productivity—especially when an essential document becomes impossible to find! According to Pottery Barn’s home office productivity infographic, 69% of home workers who choose to tidy do so to maintain peace of mind. Make sure your office features plenty of convenient, well-organized storage space to cut down on clutter.

2. Make Yourself Comfortable

It’s virtually impossible to devote all of your attention to a task over a long period if you’re not sitting comfortably. According to research, 1 in 10 home workers work using a laptop in bed. This approach can invite serious sleep deprivation and spinal problems in the future.
To maximize comfort and avoid long-term pain in your home office, invest in an office chair. One that provides firm back support is best. Investing in gadgets such as foot and wrist rests can help improve your posture if your workstation isn’t perfect.
[RELATED: How to Create a Stylish Office When You Work From Home]

3. Get Your Lighting Right

We all know how tough it can be to work with eyes that feel heavy, itchy or dry. While getting enough sleep and taking regular screen breaks help, you may find that reconfiguring your office lighting makes all the difference. Too much glare on screens can cause Computer Vision Syndrome or eye strain. Install curtains or blinds, angle your screen sideways to windows wherever possible, and trade in overhead lighting for softer floor and desk lights to keep your peepers feeling fresh.

4. Choose a Productive Palette

Color can wield an unexpectedly significant impact on our perceptions and our moods. Picking the right color palette for your home office can make a big difference in daily drive, focus, and motivation. Steer away from rich, warm colors that create a cozy, sleepy vibe. Instead, opt for bright, bold, zingy shades like stark white, yellow, and lime green to help you feel more energized.

5. Embrace Nature

It may sound bizarre, but having plants in your office has been shown to boost productivity. This research from Exeter University revealed that employees became 15% more productive when their work environment incorporated houseplants. So what are you waiting for? Time to exercise that green thumb!

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