The Perfect Week Planner

What thoughts come to mind when you think about planning your ideal week?

Ever said or thought these?

“I wish I had the time!”
“I have no time for myself.”
“There aren’t enough hours in the day.”
“I’m always late.”
Where did the time go?
I don’t have time right now.

I remember looking at my calendar and being so frustrated that I had no time for my dreams and goals. I wasn’t making any progress.

It was at that moment that I said I am in control of my life. I started getting up before work to work on my dreams before going to work and working on someone else’s dreams.

In today’s podcast, I will share how you can have your perfect week EVERY WEEK. I’ll share how I manage my calendar with 3 kids and a very busy schedule. Learn the mindset you need to create your ideal week too!



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The Perfect Week Planner


The goal of this episode is to help you consistently ensure you have the right mindset….so you make more hours in the day to focus on your dreams.


1. Take control of your own calendar and your own life.

Act like you’re the boss of time not the other way around


2. Don’t take time. MAKE time!

The idea behind Einstein Time as Gay Hendricks defines it in The Big Leap is “YOU are where time comes from-you can make as much of it as you want!”.


3. Your Ideal Week Should Include Activities You WANT To Do

What things in your calendar do you look forward to?

Dream up your ideal workweek.

How many hours do you want to work?

Do you want Fridays off or work part-time in summer?

Do you want to have calls every day of the week?


4. Your ideal week can change quarter to quarter or even every month to month.

Always come back to your ideal week and adjust.

Every day is a fresh start.

Remember in your perfect week to include batching similar tasks together. Also, don’t forget the importance of a great morning routine and adding in a weekly review session to review the prior week and plan the next.

Make sure you download my free weekly planning template so you can create your ideal week every week!



Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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