Love Your Career Formula Success Story with Josie Camacho
Josie Camacho, a Love Your Career Formula member, is a Vice President in a Private Client Group at City National Bank. She worked hard in Love Your Career Formula and her hard work paid off.

What are some of the fears you had when you started your job search?

The biggest fear I had was deciding where I wanted to be, where I wanted to live, and if I should stay in the career I was in. I was interviewing and applying for jobs and I wasn’t getting any feedback, I had a lot of rejections. After a while you start to doubt yourself, thinking, “maybe I need to do something else or look at this differently.”
Deciding to move to a different state was a challenge and a monumental decision to make. I was scared to death! I was scared to move. I was scared of what everyone would think and what people would say.

What were you thinking before you joined Love Your Career Formula?

I was lost. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I just knew that I wasn’t happy, not only with my job but also with my life.  My career is such a huge part of my life that the quality of my career affects everything else in my life. I wasn’t happy anywhere. When I found your organization and your website, I started following you, listening to you speak, and doing the modules.

When did you learn about Love Your Career Formula?

I saw it on Facebook ads. I saw your picture and it captioned something about careers and finding your purpose and I decided to click on it. About a year ago, I joined and I didn’t do anything and I came back and got involved.

Tell us about when you made that decision to commit to Love Your Career Formula.

 The decision came to me a year ago. My husband and I had just come back from our trip and we had decided, prior to that, that if we were unhappy with our lives at that point, we decided we were going to try and do something about it.
I think I had already joined Love Your Career Formula or the Classy Career Girl Network. And I said, “I’m gonna commit to this. It’s not gonna hurt me, it’s gonna help me. I know it is.” I had faith. It wasn’t easy and it’s not that always easy to keep up.

What did you think when you first joined Love Your Career Formula?

The website design is just so appealing to me. I didn’t even realize that there’s a plan or process that you could follow to do this with a site. You’re very clear and honest and you put all the information out there. It’s amazing! I wish I had this straight out of college.

Did you follow the module step-by-step or did you jump around?

I started following it step-by-step then stop for a little while. And then when I went back I jumped around. I don’t think I’m done, and I don’t want it to be done.

What do you think your life would be like now if you did not follow the Love Your Career Formula?

I want to hope that I would be on the right path, but I think it would have taken me a lot longer. I think eventually I would have found my way, but I may not have ended up where I wanted to be. Maybe I would have gotten another job that turned out to be a dead end. I definitely don’t think I would be here.

Tell us all the results that you had.

My favorite thing is that my mindset changed completely. I get up in the morning and say what I’m grateful for.  A lot of your modules and teachings are about planning and goal setting, and I had never really sat down and tried to learn that before. You do have to really put effort into learning.  I’m still working on it. The vision boards are awesome! I have a virtual vision board on my Pinterest and I also have a real vision board I started with a book.

What are you most proud of?

I’m proud that I was able to take this initiative. I feel like my whole life I’ve been very conservative and practical, and play it safe.  I’m very proud that I got the nerve to do something different in my life.

Do you have final words of wisdom for someone who is starting this journey?

Don’t give up! I know it’s hard. It’s gonna be hard. Life is constantly coming down on you and you’ll beat yourself up and want to give up. I’m telling you, don’t do it. Just go for it! You have one life to live so go for it! No matter what people say, just go for it!

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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