Should You Start a Business

Do you want to be employed or do you want to be the employer? Starting a business is not the right path for everyone. Deciding whether to remain in a job or build a business should be done with less emotion and a lot of thinking. Giving up the security of a full-time job to start your own business is a very risky move. But whatever decision you make, you’ve got to do what you’re passionate about.

Even if you are an introvert, you can start a business.

But it’s not right for everyone. That’s why we do an assessment and steps to help you identify your ideal career or business.

I believe that everyone has a purpose and calling and an ideal career or business that they were born to do that will give them the most happiness.

Don’t let overwhelm or money stop you!

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Should You Start A Business with Anna Runyan

Should You Start a Business?

Tip #1: You SHOULD start a business if:

  1. If you are 100% sure you want to have a business someday, by all means get that side hustle started today. Take your first step. If you want to be your own boss.
  2. If you know you are passionate about solving a problem.
  3. If you know your why.
  4. If you want more freedom and flexibility for your family.
  5. You like to be in charge. You like goals and plans.
  6. Are you willing to do uninteresting jobs for your long term vision?
  7. You need to make some extra income from home during COVID19.

Tip #2: You should NOT start a business if:

  1. If you have no idea what you want to be when you grow up, start with some self-assessment.
  2. If you don’t know your passion.
  3. If you aren’t willing to work hard. Nothing happens overnight and you have to work hard, learn and grow and you can make a lot of money doing what you love but you have to do more than just think about it.
  4. You don’t like goals or plans.
  5. Don’t start a business if you don’t see failures as opportunities.

If you’re still asking yourself if should you start a business, join us on May 31st for a FREE LIVE Masterclass.

Free LIVE Masterclass: How to Plan, Design and Launch Your Dream Career or Business Without Wasting Time or Money

We are going to talk about the 3 simple strategies you can do to go from being STUCK in your job and living for the weekend to waking up excited every Monday doing work that makes you feel ALIVE.

This works even if you have NO IDEA what you want to be when you grow up and even during these uncertain times! Learn how to successfully navigate your career with clarity and confidence. This is the most important 75-minute masterclass you can join this year so register right now.

In this Masterclass

  • Discover 3 proven and free strategies to speed up your job search or new business start-up.
  • See how to easily create an “Easy To Implement” Plan to make your dream career or business a reality.
  • Discover the first 5 steps to start making a living doing something you love in less than 1 week (even if you are just starting out!)
  • Learn the top career transition roadblocks for women who are job searching or starting a new business and how to get past them seamlessly.



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Finding Your Purpose in Career and Life

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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