7 Basic Skincare Do’s And Don’ts
We all want that radiant complexion that makes it seem like we are glowing from the inside out. If you are anything like me, you end up purchasing product after product at the drugstore hoping that it will work skin miracles. But, do these products even work? We all know the answer to this, don’t we? Instead of depending on the products that we don’t even know will work or not, let’s focus on the basics of how to take care of your skin.

7 Basic Skincare Do’s And Don’ts

1. Do Drink Plenty Of Water

Your skin is one of the largest organs which technically covers your entire body. That means a dehydrated body will result in a dehydrated skin. Therefore, it is essential for a person to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to keep your skin hydrated. This will maintain a healthy complexion of your skin and flush out unwanted toxins from your body.

2. Don’t Keep Touching Your Face 

It’s tough; especially, when you have a blemish. Feels like a nightmare, doesn’t it? But, the truth is that the more you touch your face, the more problems will arise. Breakouts happen because of unclean hands full of bacteria when you touch your face. And, this acts as a fuel for the blemishes. At least try to keep your hands off your face as much as possible.

3. Do Exfoliate Gently

If you dream of having healthy and glowing skin, regular exfoliation is a must. It will remove the dead cells from your skin’s surface, as well as keep your pores clear from pesky black and white heads. Irrespective of your skin type, exfoliating once a week can bring new life to your complexion. However, do not use an exfoliator that is too rough because it can leave your skin dry, irritated and damaged.
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4. Don’t Take Hot Showers

Even though hot showers are immensely relaxing and soothing, they are considered less than ideal for your skin. Taking a hot shower not only upsets your skin’s natural moisture balance, but it also strips the natural oils and proteins from your skin that keeps it healthy. This eventually will result in inflammation, dryness, redness and even itching. In order to protect your skin, shower in warm water only and avoid taking more than two showers a day.

5. Do Eat Healthy Food

Great skincare starts with what food you eat. If you love junk food, consume a lot of alcohol, caffeine, and even smoke, getting perfect skin will always seem like a long distant dream and will be almost impossible to achieve. This is because consuming such a diet will keep your body and skin dehydrated most of the time and thus, contribute to inflammation, breakouts and collagen loss. So, instead treat your body and skin by loading up on foods rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, E, A and beta carotene.

6. Do Not Leave Without Sunscreen Protection

SPF’s should never be an option, but a priority to be worn daily for all skin types. Especially, in the winter! Sunscreen helps fights against the damaging effect of the UVA and UVB rays which causes premature skin aging and wrinkling along with skin cancer. To effectively lighten skin damage caused due to the sun, choose products that are natural. For the sunscreen, either opt for a moisturizer with an SPF or mix your favorite moisturizer with an SPF to ensure a good hydrating coverage.

7. Do Sleep Soundly For 7-8 Hours

Even science has confirmed that beauty sleep is indeed a necessity. Every single cell in your body, including your skin cells require a lot of sleep on a daily basis. Night is the time when fresh and healthy cells rise to the skin’s surface and repair any damage accumulated over the day. But, without enough time to sleep, the skin does not get repaired and that is when skin related problems begin to surface more frequently. So, do not mess with your sleep time.
Begin to follow these do’s and don’ts today and notice the change you always wanted to see. It’s never too late!

What are your favorite skincare tips for radiant skin?

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