Weekly Plan Template: See How Easily You Can Get Organized

Do you have a weekly plan? When it comes time to create your weekly plan, there are four parts of your weekly plan template that you need to complete each week. I create this plan every Sunday so I know what my priorities are for the week ahead.

You can download my FREE weekly plan template here and get started feeling less stressed and overwhelmed about your week ahead!


4 Parts of the Weekly Plan Template


Part 1: Write down your top three priorities for the week.

The first part of your weekly planning session is the most important part. You are going to write down your top three priorities for the week. This is really important because now you’ll know what to focus on first when the week starts so you don’t get overwhelmed. The truth is you can’t do everything, you need to focus on the most important items that are going to help you reach your annual goals and 5-10 year vision.

There are a million things you could do, right? But, you want to make sure that you’re focused on the most important priorities each week, the priorities that are going to help you reach your monthly goals.

Look back at your monthly plan. What are some commitments that you made to reach your annual goals for the month? What are some of those tasks and actions that you wrote down that you’re going to complete this month?

You’ve got four weeks in a month, so let’s get started making progress and taking action to reach those goals for your month. The first week of the month is the best time to start strong!

So write down the top three weekly priorities that are going to make a big difference in helping you reach your monthly goals.

Part 2: Write down your other important items for the week.

The next part of your weekly planning session is to write down any other important items that you want to get done this week. Now, this will probably be a long list of items. There are a lot of things that we should do this week, right? But these are not going to be your top priorities. These are things you should do this week but they aren’t going to help you reach your vision or your annual goals.

If you get done with your top three priorities, then you should move on to this list. Maybe this is a list of something that’s going to take 15 minutes and you knock out as many items as you can. Maybe this list is something that has to be done to make your career and business success but it’s not going to move the needle in helping you reach your big annual goals. Then, it would go on this list. This is a list of items that should get done this week, but they’re not your top priority.


Weekly to do list


Part 3: Write down administrative items.

The next part of your weekly planning session is your administrative items. These are probably things you don’t really want to do. These are not items and tasks that are super exciting for you. Maybe they’re not things that are in your zone of genius so they aren’t tasks that you really enjoy doing.

It could be like checking email or it could be doing your bookkeeping or doing your finances. These are items that are not really exciting for you but you still know that it has to get done. These are administrative tasks, and I highly recommend making time in your calendar for these and eventually delegating all of these tasks.

You have to do these things, but they’re not going to be super fun. And most likely, you don’t want to spend all week doing these items because these are the things that aren’t going to help your business or career grow. These are the administrative items you want to start creating systems for so you can easily delegate them to others and save yourself time.

These things should get done this week but it’s not the end of the world if they don’t get done.

Sometimes my administrative items get pushed to the next week and then the next week and then the next week. And finally, I have some free time, and I just try and knock them all out so they are gone because it feels so good when those are done!



Part 4: Write down your personal items.

Now the fourth section of your weekly plan is your personal items. These are really important personal tasks that you’ve got to get done this week. Our planning system and physical planner are not just for your work life. This is a planner for your personal life as well.

This is where I write down things that I have to do with my kids, husband, and my parents. This is also where I put self-care items as well. These are personal items as well as errands and just things I have to remember this week.

So we’re just going to write a  long list of all these personal items that we must get done this week.

Hopefully, after you write down these four parts of your weekly plan, you’re going to feel a lot better about your week because most of the time, all those things sit in your head and stress you out. Too many to-do list items in your head can overwhelm you because it feels like you have a million things to do.

The goal is really to get everything out of your head and onto paper.  Then prioritize so that you know what needs to be focused on first.


Get Organized Using This Weekly Plan Template

So to summarize, the four areas of your weekly plan:

  1. Your top three priorities for the week.
  2. Other important items that should get done this week.
  3. Administrative items.
  4. Your personal items.


In our Planning Workshop, I can show you how you can turn this weekly plan into your calendar so that you know what to do every single day and your calendar can remind you of what you need to get done.


CCG Pin - Weekly Plan Template to help you get organized

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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