Women Who Work Nominations: Top 15 Classy Career Girls of 2015
Note: Winners have been announced.  Click here to read the list of women making a difference!
Attention women who work! CCG is getting ready to launch our first annual Top 15 Classy Career Girls of 2015 and we can’t do it without you!
Who are the women who work that have inspired and motivated you? We’re asking readers to help us generate a comprehensive list of women. Our goal is to clear the clutter of “not so classy” that we see too much of and deliver you the REAL classy and ambitious ladies who are driving change, inspiring others and making the world a better place. The more we know that other women are making the impossible possible, the more empowered we will be that we can do the same. What we have learned time and time again is that when women support other women, incredible things happen.

What we’re looking for:

Women who meet the definition of a Classy Career Girl:
A female displaying elegance, style, high standards of personal behavior, skill and grace.
These women are leaders and making a difference whether it is working for a company OR owning their own business. They can be ANY age and live anywhere in the world.

How to nominate:

Include your nominations in the comments section below.  Please tell us:
1) The first and last name of the woman you are nominating.
2) Her role and where she works.
3) What makes her a classy career girl, a female displaying elegance, style, high standards of personal behavior, skill and grace.
4) A link to her Linkedin profile, website or bio.
You can also vote by tweeting @classycareer using #classycareergirl. The deadline to submit a nomination is Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
Hint: You can nominate yourself. Men are also more than welcome to nominate the classy career girls in their lives. You also can nominate more than one person.
Questions? Email us at info@classycareergirl.com
*Note to nominees: Congrats! Please pay it forward by nominating another #classycareergirl as well.

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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